Special Message from Wealth Dynamics Experience

Listen to this audio to hear about Wealth Dynamics and a free event you can attend in London, Monday 20 April at 7.30-9.30pm at the Millennium Gloucester Hotel, 4-18 Harrington Gardens, SW7 4LH (beside Gloucester Rd tube) 

I highly recommend coming if whether you own a business or are thinking of starting one. In fact, even as an employee you would benefit by understanding more about your value and what it means to others, particularly those who on a different path to you.

Roger has shared tremendously with us already and I'm looking forward to tonight's interactive session! 

Social Enterprise: The Hunger Project

Key to the "Business IS Personal" theme is empowerment. 

Unless people feel empowered they tend to live life as victims. There is no doubt that when people have the right support and access to resources then that can make the world of difference. That is what I aim to achieve in the business world. Empowered people achieving peak performance from a place of high self-esteem and collaboration utilising the resources they already have.

That is why I resonate so much with the work of The Hunger Project whose message is "Empowering Men and Women to End Their Own Hunger". For more information see their website.

My contribution this year is to pledge 10% of the proceeds of this business to The Hunger Project and I'm really looking forward to making that as big a contribution as possible! 

February/March '09 Newsletter

What’s Happening?

Where to start?

That’s easy…

Please help and vote for me at Britain’s Next Top Coach! http://www.britainsnexttopcoach.tv/contestants/una-doyle

It went live this week and it’s been a great buzz. At this link there’s an introductory video where I talk about the “Business IS Personal” message. Below that there’s a link to the Coaching Tip Video and how to vote. Please pass this link on to your friends, family and contacts. If you’re into the whole social networking thing you can easily share it on Facebook, Digg it and Tweet it with the links on the bottom of the page.

A key learning for me recently is prioritising. Getting one thing finished before starting another. So, I’m paying attention to finishing my company relaunch right now. For me as it’s easy to get distracted and attempt to do too many things at once. There is multi-tasking and then there is not finishing things! I’m really pleased that with help (building up from admin to PR now) things are getting finished.

My new website is up http://www.unadoyle.com/, yipee! It’s the stage one version, I have more exciting plans for the future. One thing a time… and yes, I’d love your feedback.

I’m curious. What does “Business IS Personal” mean to you? Would you instantly agree, disagree, or perhaps never thought about it before? What are the business problems that you are facing these days? What’s your biggest priority right now? Do me a favour – email me on una@unadoyle.com and let me know the top three things on your mind regarding your career or business. Simple words, phrases or bullet points will do. Thanks.

That wonderful venue for dancing I mentioned last newsletter in Leeds called Floridita has closed down. Us salseros are not happy about it, it was the best dancing I had in ages! We’re trying out the new venue this weekend – I’m having a girlie night in, then going out dancing with my friends.

I know it was a few weeks ago now, yet I’ve got to tell you Valentine’s Day was amazing!!! The best one of my life so far. All I’ll say is that it involved lots of red roses, cards (yes, plural!), a movie about Tibetan monks in the afternoon, a beautiful Thai dinner, followed by rose petals strewn all over the place and… I’ll stop there.
The radio shows are going from strength to strength and I’m really enjoying honing my interview skills. By the way, who would you like to see as a guest on the show? Drop me a line and let me know and I’ll see what I can do.

Una Recommends
In each issue of this newsletter I like to share with you some resources that me and/or my clients have found useful.

Personally, I have found Wealth Dynamics profiling to be amazing and I have utilised Star (my profile) strategies in rethinking and re-branding my business. It’s still a work in progress of course, however I do really feel it has helped me to know what to say no to. That in itself can be very valuable…

Have a look and make up your own mind: WealthDynamics.com

“Everything Happens for a Reason”

Sayings are funny aren’t they? They pervade our lives with their triteness and sometimes old fashioned views, yet some sayings can be very profound if only you look at them differently.

Take the saying “everything happens for a reason”. It might be said in wonderment at a co-incidence… It’s often said when there is nothing else to say. It’s said to pacify, to console, to show empathy. Do people really believe it? Maybe, maybe not…

More…Click here

Forthcoming Shows & Events
17 March - Andy Bounds, "Winning Business in a Recession"
24 March - Gina Lazenby, Topic TBA
The Lotus Seed Process UK Tour – March 2009
Vikki, the founder of the Lotus Seed Process is visiting from the Denver, Colarado arriving on the 19 March. She will be delivering talks and her and other practitioners will be giving sessions during her visit. There are locations in and around London and in Yorkshire. (If you have a group that would be interested in having Vikki speak please get in touch with me.)

Details here: http://tinyurl.com/cmlson

“Achieve Peak Performance” Yes Group North – 22 April
Cedar Court Hotel, Huddersfield, J24 of M62, 7pm for 7.30pm start
There are many challenges facing businesses right now and for many individuals it's time to ditch old approaches and make changes.

After this talk you will have discovered how to apply little-known proven strategies (based on extensive research) to:
  • Increase individual productivity, employee engagement and morale

  • Reduce sickness, absence and staff turnover

  • Improve relations between departments and divisions

  • Enhance business strategy

  • Increase people management skills
Pop the date in your diary now to

Warm regards,

Una Doyle
Professional Business Success Speaker

“Everything Happens for a Reason”

Sayings are funny aren’t they? They pervade our lives with their triteness and sometimes old fashioned views, yet some sayings can be very profound if only you look at them differently.

Take the saying “everything happens for a reason”. It might be said in wonderment at a co-incidence… It’s often said when there is nothing else to say. It’s said to pacify, to console, to show empathy. Do people really believe it? Maybe, maybe not...

If it were true, that everything happens for a reason, what does that really mean? It must mean that something – outside of us – is actually controlling what’s happening. Otherwise who or what would have decided the reason that it happened? If you believe this saying, does that then mean that you do believe in God or some kind of higher power or higher self?

Even if you don’t believe in some kind of guiding force in the world, there are some important benefits to acting as if you do believe that everything happens for a reason. For instance:

  • Less stress - if you know that some good will come out of the situation then it is easier to let go of stress and not worry.

  • Guidance - it encourages you to seek out signs as to “what next?”

  • Learning - it gets you to think about why this might have happened and what you can learn from the situation

  • Feeling better - it helps you to actively look for the positive in any situation and as I’m sure you’re well aware, what you focus on is what you tend to get more of

Let me give you some examples from my own life…

Autumn 2007 I thought that I was moving to the States. I sold my house, got rid of lots of my belongings and moved into temporary accommodation. My move abroad fell through and at first I felt like the rug had been pulled from under me. However, I knew deep inside me that it was all happening for a reason. I just didn’t know what yet.

Since then I ended up taking time out of my business and looking at new directions and getting back into activities I love doing and had stopped. The result is that I’ve been out doing public speaking again, I’ve been writing my forthcoming book (paused at the moment as I’m prioritising) and I started my own radio show.

From a personal point of view I had the wonderful experience of a six-month relationship which I learnt some BIG lessons from. Since then I have attracted an amazing partner – early days yet though so far, so great - and it is clear to me that I have definitely learnt those lessons from the last relationship!

From my current beau I got the gift of a book by Roger Hamilton about Wealth Dynamics profiling did the profile a couple of months ago and not only has it given me much needed clarity in my own business, I’ve had an idea for another business that I will investigate after I have got the right support team in place.

Would these things have happened if I had moved to the States? Who knows. All I know is that I’m very happy about how things have turned out!

There’s an exercise in my forthcoming book, called the “Silver Lining” exercise. This has five particular questions to help draw out the lessons and the good in any situation.

Q. Who did I meet as a result?
Q. How did I grow my comfort zone?
Q. What did I learn to handle in life?
Q. What signs did I learn to recognise in order to prevent this from happening again?
Q. What pattern(s) of feelings and/or behaviour would be useful to let go of?

It’s been amazing the outcomes that my talk and workshop participants have had as a result of doing this exercise. I’ve heard some very harrowing and yet heart-warming stories. We human beings have the capacity to overcome the most challenging of circumstances and grow as a result.

You see, maybe everything does happen for a reason…

The Lotus Seed Process UK Tour - March 2009

Here are dates for Vikki on The Lotus Seed Process UK Tour - March '09

Speaking engagement here: http://www.mystery-mountain.co.uk

Mystery Mountain
58 Dene Street

£27 admission includes listening to Vikki talk, a session, and a £5 voucher for the store. This is a small crystal and book shop.

Saturday, March 21st Launch Party

It is from 6:00PM - 10:00PM here: 

Bethnal Green Mission Church
305 Cambridge Heath Road,
E2 9LH

Tuesday March 24th

Party near Leeds in the evening.

The major announcements will be revealed here as well so if you are not able to make London you can still come here. We'll send the address when we get it. The venue has been booked. Bring your friends, family, and neighbors. It will be a fun introduction to The Lotus Seed Process and a great reunion.

Wednesday March 25th:

Yes Group North.

The Cedar Court Hotel
Ainley Top
West Yorkshire
Tel, 01422 375431

It is very easy to find, just off Junction 24 of the M62 the hotel is on the roundabout at the end of the sliproad.

Yes Group Meetings begin at 7pm for 7:30pm start
All welcome, £8 on the door, free for first timers.
Meeting finishes about 10pm, lots of people stay on to chat after that.
A great atmosphere, very friendly and welcoming! 

Saturday & Sunday March 28th and 29th

Ilkley Complementary Medicine Festival
Station Road, Ilkley, LS29 8HE

Open from 10am both days - Closing at 5pm both days
Vikki will be doing a formal presentation on Saturday from 12.15pm - 1.15pm
To find out more information about the events that The Lotus Seed Process will be attending, please visit the following links:

General notes:
  • We are offering sessions for new clients at a reduced rate of £27. We typically charge $100.00 (about £68.00 right now).
  • All events are open to the public and we would love to have as many people come as possible.
  • We have some very exciting things to share and some amazing things that are planned for this trip.

Confidence vs. Control

Control your thoughts and your emotions and you’ll be in control of your life – yeah, right, rubbish!

I observed some time ago during a client’s coaching call that the less confident somebody feels, the more they seek to control things, other people and circumstances. But guess what, unlike many other personal development people out there I’m not going to tell you that you are in control of your life.

Instead I would recommend that you let go of controlling as much as possible. Why? Because you’re not in control of everything and the sooner you divest yourself of that illusion the better…
There are really very few things that we can control. So for instance people try to tell you to control your emotions and your thoughts – difficult isn’t it?

That thought that pops into your head – a pink elephant for instance – yeah that one! Try stopping it. Don’t think about a pink elephant, don’t think about a pink elephant, I said STOP THINKING ABOUT A PINK ELEPHANT!

Most of you will have had the thought and possibly a picture of a pink elephant in your head reading that last sentence. What about when somebody appears to be acting a bit off with you. Do thoughts about whether they like you or not pop into your head? Might you start to feel a little insecure, get a dent in your self-esteem? Do you start wondering what you’ve done wrong?

In terms of controlling your emotions – emotions just happen. How we react to them can be under our control but only sometimes. Think about it. An emotion happens – when it first happens it is not under our control, it just happens. (More about this later…)

What about when you know that somebody – a friend, family member or work colleague – should be doing ABC or shouldn’t be doing XYZ. From the best of intentions of course, you care about them and want the best for them… So you think about it, you talk about it with others. Are you in control of them? No. What good does it do you to focus on wanting to control what they are doing? None, nada, zilch.

Controlling the Uncontrollable
So what happens when people try to control what they can’t? Generally, they get angry and/or upset in some way. They start to ‘should’ and ‘shouldn’t’ all over themselves and everyone else. They compare themselves to others and come up short (in their eyes). They tend to judge others and worry about others judging them (see any connection there?). The get stressed because they feel they have so much to do. In business they find it hard to delegate. In personal relationships they strive to be independent (yes, particularly you ladies…). They might find it hard to relax and take time out. Life probably seems much more of a struggle than it need be…

When somebody has a huge - supposedly negative – thing in their life happen such as a bad accident or cancer or something like that, it is often life changing. One reason obviously is that it tends to bring home to people what is really important. Perhaps, another reason is that they also then realise what they can and can’t control in life…

Have you ever heard the saying?
“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can’t change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” Anon

What You Can Control

  • You can choose to make a decision to only try to control what is under your control.

  • You can choose to let go of everything else.

  • You can choose to discover different ways of doing these things – some approaches work for some, others for others.

You see it may seem counter-intuitive but the more you let go of, the more you will actually feel in control. By letting go of negative emotions from the past you are eliminating the triggers that can cause you to be angry or upset in some way. By letting go of limiting beliefs you stop trying to control what is and isn’t possible in life.

Of course I’m not advocating that you just sit around and do nothing. As you are doing this you could be paying attention to taking inspired action - what feels right for you. Letting go of control is not the same as abdicating responsibility…

It’s about allowing what is, to be. It’s about having passion for your purpose – not getting tied up in knots about your own and others’ expectations.

Here’s a suggestion. Be like this for a day. Let go of controlling for just one day, to see how you get on, what difference it makes. Congratulate yourself when you manage it and notice when you don’t – but don’t beat yourself up about it. Simply notice where your ‘control spots’ are and you can tackle them later.

Let me know how you get on either by contacting me directly on 07766 917890, 0845 6442301 or Una@BusinessPioneersProfit.com


Resistance to Change, or the Unknown?

People talk about the fear of public speaking as being one of the most common fears. Yet something that I’ve been looking at more recently is resistance to change. I realised many years ago that resistance to organisational change was usually due to personal insecurities:
  • Fear of loss of status

  • Fear of loss of power

  • Wondering whether they can survive or thrive in the new situation

  • And fear of not having the necessary skills or abilities
Of course not all organisational change is in somebody’s favour, so there will be times that somebody may be worse off. In the majority of cases though, it seems like people resist change before they’ve even given it a chance.

Now there are definitely some people that welcome and even seek change. Thankfully, often I fall into that category now, though it wasn’t always that case. I have noticed that while control is very closely corrollated to confidence levels, so is resistance to change. Perhaps because people can believe they are in control if change isn’t happening?

Something else that’s become very clear is that perhaps resistance to change is also about fear of change itself as well as these other insecurities.

Movie Moment
I got interrupted in writing this article at exactly this point. You’re probably wondering why I’m telling you this but it’s important. I’ve just watched one of my favourite films tonights, “Pay It Forward”. If you haven’t seen it, go out and hire it. It’s a brilliant film and that young lad, Hayley Joel Osmet is an absolute genius at acting by the way. He just has something really very special I feel…

Anyway, there’s a part in the film where Hayley’s character (who’s 12 years old) makes a comment along the lines of some people being afraid to ‘pay it forward’ because it would mean making a change. And even though their life might be pretty bad, it’s familiar and they’re too scared to try anything different. Watching this boy recognising this in people (yes, I know it's scripted!) was really quite profound. Isn’t it funny how life often gives us answers in the most unusual of ways… {Grin}

Perhaps this resistance is actually more about the fear of the unknown rather than anything else. Put that together with the optimism that things will get better (miraculously on their own of course without any input or change from the person!) and it’s a recipe for disaster.

What's Wrong with Avoiding Change?
To the person concerned it might not feel like disaster because everything stays the same. What if though, by everyhting staying the same nothing changes. What if by everything staying the same you miss on meeting that great friend or partner or business opportunity. What if you miss a supremely gorgeous sunset? What if you miss out on some precious time with your loved ones? What if you miss out on having loved ones?

Everything worthwhile requires a degree of risk. What is really the worst that could happen? Is that really that bad? Even if the worst happened it doesn’t mean you failed, it just means that it didn’t work that time… You can learn from the experience. What can you learn from everything staying the same? In most instances probably not very much.

So stop thinking it isn’t possible. Stop thinking it might be possible for them but not for me. Start asking yourself how bad would things have to get before you make a move? Start asking how long would you wait before trying a new approach? How much time, effort and pain would you have gone through in the meantime?

We never get that time back… What better uses could you put to that time? Who could you be a better model to? What little thing could you do differently that would start that change?

How Do You Eat An Elephant?
One bite at a time... Because changing your life is not about doing everything at once – that is a scary idea! It’s all about taking the first step, doing one thing. After that you do another. Then a while after that you do another. Guess what? A bit after that you do another and before you know it you’re looking back and thinking about how much your life has changed for the better!

So sitting there, reading this, right now, what one thing comes to mind that you could do, not do or do differently? What blocks might prevent you? How could you overcome these blocks? (By the way, I’m always happy to help…) When are you going to do it? How committed are you on a scale of 1-10? (I hope you said at least 7 or above or you probably won’t do it)

Happy changing! {Grin}
