
Choices, Choices, Choices...

Many of the same skills and strategies that people use to good success in business, can also apply in education.

Of course the positive attitude and self-assurance that many business success stories demonstrate can also have a huge impact in the choices that students make, whether teenagers or young adults. What choices?
  • Their friends
  • Their behaviour around friends
  • Their behaviour regarding their studies
  • How they treat themselves, other students and staff
  • What they regard as 'in' 
  • How they wish to be perceived by their peers
As somebody who was bullied for about 11 years, I know first-hand the effect that can have on a young person's self-belief.

Add to the mix of hormones whirling around, potential family issues, the negative stories and messages in much of the media and the cult of celebrity status and it's no wonder that young people can sometimes find it challenging to perform to the best of their ability.

These three questions apply every bit to students as well as people in the workplace.
Q1. Do I feel good about myself at least 95% of the time?
Q2. Do I live and study with people where there is mutual trust, respect and collaboration
Q3. Am I effective at overcoming challenges to get the results I really want?

Contact me now to discuss your requirements for students and/or staff on 0845 6442301 or 07766 917890.